7.10 How can I find help in my search for God and his Will for me?
Have you ever wanted something very much, only to recognise a few days later that it was just a superficial desire? We can easily set all our heart on something, but not always for good reasons. Careful discernment is needed to find our deepest desire. This is especially important when you are making essential decisions which affect your life or that of others.
Francis de Sales was a great friend of Jesus. He helped many faithful on their path with God: he was their spiritual director. He helped them consider everything in the light of the love of God for them. Thus they could discern between superficial and deep desires, and ultimately find the Will of God. A good spiritual director accompanies you in your discernment. He or she does not take the decisions for you, but helps you to refocus your attention on Jesus whenever you deviate. Do not be afraid to ask a priest or someone else who loves God very much to help you in your spiritual life.
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