4.19 Perché tutta questa attenzione al matrimonio e alla famiglia?


Dio ha creato gli esseri umani come effusione del suo grande amore. Ci ha anche dato il compito importante di trasmettere quell’amore, e perciò essere fecondi (Gn 1, 28)Gn 1, 28: Dio li benedisse e Dio disse loro: "Siate fecondi e moltiplicatevi, riempite la terra e soggiogatela, dominate sui pesci del mare e sugli uccelli del cielo e su ogni essere vivente che striscia sulla terra"..

Il matrimonio è un rapporto esclusivo tra un uomo e una donna che si amano e vogliono passare il resto della vita insieme. Quando sperimentano il loro amore anche nel rapporto sessuale, questo amore può letteralmente diventare 'fecondo' perché vengono concepiti e nascono dei bambini. La vita di famiglia è importante per i bambini: ad esempio li rende più socievoli e più resistenti, ed è (si spera) l’ambiente in cui apprendono la fede. Per questo la famiglia è talvolta chiamata 'la pietra miliare della società'.


Il matrimonio è un legame per la vita tra un uomo e una donna. I figli che nascono dall’amore coniugale dei genitori crescono nella famiglia.
The Wisdom of the Church

What place does the family occupy in society?

The family is the original cell of human society and is, therefore, prior to any recognition by public authority. Family values and principles constitute the foundation of social life. Family life is an initiation into the life of society. [CCCC 457]

Why are families irreplaceable?

Every child is descended from one father and one mother and longs for the warmth and safety of a family so that he may grow up secure and happy.

The family is the basic cell of human society. The values and principles that are lived out in the small circle of the family are what make solidarity in the life of larger society possible in the first place. [Youcat 369]

What are the offenses against the dignity of marriage?

These are: adultery, divorce, polygamy, incest, free unions (cohabitation, concubinage), and sexual acts before or outside of marriage. [CCCC 502]

What is adultery? Is divorce the appropriate response?

Adultery is committed when two people, at least one of whom is married to someone else, have sexual relations. Adultery is the fundamental betrayal of love, the violation of a covenant that was made in God’s sight, and an injustice to one’s neighbor. Jesus himself explicitly declared the indissolubility of marriage: “What therefore God has joined together, let not man put asunder” (Mk 10:9). Citing the original will of the Creator, Jesus abolished the toleration of divorce in the Old Covenant.

The encouraging promise of this message of Jesus is, “as children of your heavenly Father you are capable of lifelong love.” Nevertheless, it is not easy to remain faithful to one’s spouse for a lifetime. We must not condemn people whose marriages fail. Nevertheless, Christians who irresponsibly bring about divorce incur guilt. They sin against God’s love, which is visible in marriage. They sin against the abandoned spouse and against abandoned children. Of course the faithful partner in a marriage that has become unbearable can move out of shared living accommodations. In some serious circumstances, it may be necessary to go through a civil divorce. In well-founded cases the Church can examine the validity of the marriage in an annulment proceeding. [Youcat 424]

This is what the Church Fathers say

It is God who joined together [two people] in one so that they are no more two, it is said, 'but one flesh'... from the time that the woman is married to the man. And, since God has joined them together, on this account in the case of those who are joined together by God, there is a "gift". [Origen, Commentary on Matthew, Bk. 14, Chap. 16 (MG 13, 1229)]​