4.46 Il gioco d’azzardo, il consumo di droghe e alcool o l’eccessiva ricchezza sono cose peccaminose?

Società e comunità

'Troppo' non è mai una buona idea. Questo specialmente nel caso in cui si metta in pericolo se stessi o gli altri con il proprio comportamento. Bere alcolici non è un peccato, ma è un peccato bere troppo (Rm 13, 13)Rm 13, 13: Comportiamoci onestamente, come in pieno giorno: non in mezzo a orge e ubriachezze, non fra lussurie e impurità, non in litigi e gelosie.. L’azzardo consiste nello scommettere denaro o altre cose di valore affidandosi alla sorte. Questo di per sè non è un peccato. Il pericolo è che ci si può far prendere dall’avidità o dalla passione per il gioco.

Far uso di droghe (tranne che per ragioni mediche) è un peccato grave, perchè può danneggiare seriamente la salute e la vita. La vera vita in cielo è il nostro unico futuro, che durerà per sempre. con questo in mente, le ricchezze terrene sono relative.


La temperanza è importante. Gioco d’azzardo per divertimento, ricchezza senza avidità, alcol moderato non sono peccato. L’abuso di droghe sì.
The Wisdom of the Church

May a Christian make bets and play games of chance?

Betting and gambling are immoral and dangerous when the gambler risks his livelihood. It becomes even worse if he risks the livelihood of other people, especially of those who are entrusted to his care.

Morally speaking, it is a highly dubious practice to wager large sums on a game of chance while others lack the bare necessities of life. Betting and gambling, furthermore, can be addictive and enslave people. [Youcat 434]

What duty do we have toward our body?

We must take reasonable care of our own physical health and that of others but avoid the cult of the body and every kind of excess. Also to be avoided are the use of drugs which cause very serious damage to human health and life, as well as the abuse of food, alcohol, tobacco and medicine. [CCCC 474]

Why is it a sin to take drugs?

Using drugs is a sin because it is an act of selfdestruction and thus an offense against the life that God has given us out of love.

Every form of a person’s dependence on legal substances (alcohol, medication, tobacco) and even more so on illegal drugs is an exchange of freedom for slavery; it damages the health and life of the person concerned and also does great harm to the people around him. Every time a person loses or forgets himself by becoming intoxicated, which can also include excessive eating and drinking, indulgence in sexual activity, or speeding with an automobile, he loses some of his human dignity and freedom and therefore sins against God. This should be distinguished from the reasonable, conscious, and moderate use of enjoyable things. [Youcat 389]

This is what the Popes say

Each one of us can think in silence of people who live with no hope and are steeped in profound sadness from which they struggle to emerge, believing they have found happiness in alcohol, in drugs, in gambling, in the power of money, in sexuality unbridled by rules.... However they find themselves even more disappointed and sometimes vent their rage against life with violent behaviour unworthy of the human being. [Pope Francis, Address, 17 June 2013]