5.3 How can I grow in faith now that I am forced to stay at home?
It can be very disconcerting when you have to give up your daily activities and forced to stay at home all the time. You cannot go to Mass, attend catechesis, or go to confession… Thankfully, God is always greater, and you can meet him everywhere! Here are a few concrete ideas:
1. Ask God’s help in accepting the inevitable with good spirit and decide that it can be a time to relate to God and others in a new and challenging way. Do not be afraid to ask questions.
2. Make some time for prayer every day. Appendix 4 & 5 of the Tweeting with GOD book and Manual explain how to pray with a Bible text, and how to review your day before you go to sleep. Follow Mass or pray the Rosary online.
3. Read a chapter of the Bible daily. You can start with the Gospel of Mark, the shortest of all four Gospels. Or you can read the daily Bible texts in the Tweeting with GOD app.
4. Do an act of charity: pray for someone in need, ring a lonely person to say hi, arrange shopping supplies for your neighbour, and treat your housemates carefully.
5. Read a chapter in the Tweeting with GOD book or app every day. If possible, speak about your questions with your housemates or online with some friends.