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8.25 Can ghosts and evil spirits get me? What about possessed people?

Bible - #OnlineSaints

Ghost stories can be fun, but be aware that the dangers of evil are real. Do not hesitate to ask spiritual help when you are struggling. The influence of evil can be seen all around us. Even if people are possessed by an evil spirit (which is rare), God’s love is greater. Still, it is important to take this theme serious, and avoid superstitions or games involving demons and spirits. No one can get to you when you pray and call on the name of Jesus with faith.

Padre Pio fought with the devil during his life. He helped many people to turn away from evil to embrace the love of God. You can ask him to pray for you!

For more on this saint, scan the picture with the app Online with Saints or click:
Saint Padre Pio

No evil things can get to those who are close to God. Possession by the devil is real but rare. God’s love overcomes every evil. Avoid an unhealthy interest in evil spirits and demons.