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Previous:6.2 I cannot help everyone; where is the limit? What is charity? How much should I give? Why is the Church so rich? Is my money used well? What if I am poor?
Next:6.4 How far should migrants integrate in society? How can we react to 'religious invasion' and 'migrant violence'? Can we turn away economic migrants?

6.3 We cannot welcome all migrants, can we? Is it not better to send them back and help there? Shouldn't we rather search for long-term solutions?

Poverty & Solidarity - #YniGOD

Immigration is not a new phenomenon; most of our modern populations originate from immigration (Lev 19:34). Solidarity with those in need and respect for human dignity are very important Christian principles. It is great if you can help people in their home country, but do you do so out of genuine love or because you wish to avoid them coming to your country? So many refugees depend on our hospitality.

While we should indeed search for long-term solutions, we cannot let people drown at sea or become victims of criminal activity. Discernment is needed to find the best solutions. Discrimination is wrong: we should not only help those who could be useful to us, but the Christian thing to do is to find the best way to assist everyone who needs our help.

Welcoming strangers is a Christian duty. As is helping people where they are, far away or at our doorstep. Searching for long-term solutions should not keep us from helping now.
The Wisdom of the Church

What is the root of human dignity?

The dignity of the human person is rooted in his or her creation in the image and likeness of God. Endowed with a spiritual and immortal soul, intelligence and free will, the human person is ordered to God and called in soul and in body to eternal beatitude [CCCC 358].

This is what the Popes say

The globalisation process can be an opportunity… if the unequal distribution of the world's resources leads to a new awareness of the necessary solidarity which must unite the human family… The Church… works so that every person's dignity is respected, the immigrant is welcomed as a brother or sister, and all humanity forms a united family [Pope John Paul II, World Migration Day, 2000, 4-5].