Tweeting with GOD

Do you have questions about faith? Are you curious about what Catholics believe? Were you raised as a Christian, and do you have certain questions but you don’t know who to ask? You’re not alone! There are many people with questions about faith. Fortunately, there are answers to be found!

The aim of the originaTweeting with GOD exchanges was not only to answer questions, but above all to reflect on the underlying reasoning. In this way the group discovered that the Catholic faith is much more logical than many people think. The summaries of the answers, written together with young people, led to the first publication of the book Tweeting with GOD in Dutch. This has been translated into many languages. Using the App, readers can move directly from a page in the book to the corresponding page on the website, where they can find more information on the subject.


The Tweeting with GOD book has four parts, which cover the following subjects:

  • Part 1 – Questions about God, the beginning and the end, the core of the faith, creation, the Bible, and how God deals with people.
  • Part 2 – Questions about the origin and history of the Church, and the Church’s presence in the modern world.
  • Part 3 – Questions about your personal relationship with God, prayer and how difficult it can be, the role of the church building in our lives, and what liturgy and the sacraments do for us.
  • Part 4 – Questions about life as a Christian, various decisions you have to make as a believer, including challenging aspects such as sexuality, work, your vocation and ethical issues.

Military edition

The answers to the military questions in the Catholic Military Connect app have been expanded to correspond with the answers in the Tweeting with GOD book. A special military edition of this book has been developed, which alternatively can be published a military supplement to the Tweeting with GOD book and placed at the disposal of military and chaplains.

To continue faith formation after discovering the answers in the app, the full set of Tweeting with GOD resources, including How to grow in faith is very suitable for use in a military environment.